Friday, November 30, 2012

A humpback whale lunges out of the water to feed near spectators at Morro Bay, California, USA, photo by Bill Bouton

JUST HANGING by Michael Nichols for Nat Geo

LION FAMILY by Paul Goldstein


Old Gentleman

Picture of Intensity

Playful pair peer out from under their parents by Robert Harding



The nature is mirrored and becomes more beautiful

Birds of a feather..

Storm coming...

Snow Dog Tibetan Spaniel

Being too cute

Labride, photo by Seb46

Yellow-edge Lyretail, photo by Enric Sala,National Geographic in the Pitcairn Islands

Titan Triggerfish, photo by Enric Sala,National Geographic in the Pitcairn Islands

My size does not deceive you, I am a great warrior !

Dog rescue of Italian Civil Protection

Titus very angry

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bunny butt....

I'm part of the family too....

We're good friends....

Much to fat to get over this fence

But, perhaps I can make this work..

Displays of affection between animals, but because they are human!!!

MANTIS by Wil Mijer

Moeraki Boulders by Steffen and Alexandra Sailer

Saturnia piry, photo by Nymphalidae

Cowby life by the big photoigrapher Brian Hampton

Vine Snake, photo by Nitin takale

Good night

Sunrise Beach, photo by Bart Aldrich at Sanur Beach, Bali

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Born and grow up in a world at war

Now, how did he get in there?

Games with snow

I GOT YOUR NOSE by Shogo Asao

Junction of two rivers


Beautiful Red Linx

Scene of ordinary madness in Afghanistan

A rare photo of combat between Bengal tigers for territory

Canada - Gros Morne National Park

Arctic Fox on ice

Golden Eagle

Nice Kitty

Reckless Abandon, photo by Peter Brannon (A baby owl learning to fly)

Drink up !

3 month old cub by Jagdeep Rajput

Scoiattolo furto (squirrel robbery)